Toy rental at Speelotheek Hoograven
Yes, you also want to start lending toys! You are most welcome to become a member. In this library you can borrow toys. It saves money, it's sustainable and: it's fun. Take a look at our toy collection in the online catalog. Costs annual subscriptions
Become a member and fill out the form below After a successful payment, our volunteers will process your application on Wednesday. Within a week you will receive an e-mail from us with your personal member number.
No need to cancel your subscription
Your subscription will automatically expire after one year. If you want to renew it, please let us know. You can pay for a renewal (standard €25, grand €35,00 or U-pas €12,50) with PIN at the Speelotheek. Check the rules, learn how it works With your personal member number, you can order toys for pickup on wednesdayevening and saturdaymorning. Use the order form on the bottom of the catalog page. On monday and wednesdaymorning, you can't order toys, but you can come by and take them of the shelves yourself. Our volunteers will help you. Please learn how our toy library works and read our: - Rules (English) - Privacy statement (English) - FAQ (English) Extra information With a standard or U-pas subsciption you can borrow a maximum of four items at one time and keep the toys at home for four weeks. With a grand subscription you can borrow six items at one time and keep them at home for four weeks. The Speelotheek is always closed during school vacations and public holidays. Please follow us on facebook or instagram, we will give you reminders and other information regarding the Speelotheek. Extending your toys is possible once, for four weeks. This can be done by sending an email to: [email protected]. Please include your name, personal member number and the toys you wish to extend in the e-mail. You will always receive a confirmation e-mail with the new date of the extension. The fine for returning toys to late is € 0,50 per week per toy. We wish everyone a lot of fun borrowing, sharing and playing! |
Volunteer vacancies
There is always something to do that suits you, your talent and your calender! It is fun, valuable and all volunteers are free members. Things you could do include: lending out toys, taking in and checking toys, catalog work, organizing activities and many more. You are very welcome to join the team. Contact us if you want to meet up and participate. Please DonateDonations are necessary to exist. Your contribution makes a big difference for people nearby and supports this great initiative. Please use the QR code. Thank you so much!
Verlengde Hoogravenseweg 37 3525 BB, Utrecht |
E-mail: [email protected]
Socials: Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn Opening times: Monday: 15.30 - 16.30 uur Wednesday: 10.00 - 11.00 uur Wednesday: 20.30 - 21.30 uur (only by order) Saturday: 10.00 - 11.00 uur (only by order) Closed: during school vacations & public holidays |